Friday 12 January 2018

Swimming Pool UUM

Friday, 06, 2018

Swimming Pool

It is wonderful experience with my supervisor at the swimming pool in UUM. The Funny moment, with you was realize me an excited. (something blowing my mind said that "He is awesome, He can be my lecturer, Supervisor, Abang, and coach").

I am glade what he share, teach and advice me most of the time. Every time, I meet him, always bring something new for me. I love the ways he give and share with me and others.

At pool 

At the moment,I remember of what he said to me  "You know how to float not to swim". (hahaha) I was laughing but I relied of what he said was true.
He teach me a basic step, how to swim. I do concentrate of what he said and practice of what he advice me.

At moment

learning need sometime to reflect and to practice which is the best way for us to achieve goal in our life.
forget, stress, sad is a part of our achieve, without them seem to be your experience.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Sheesha on street

04 Jan 2017..

At the night time, with friend and my lecturer were a long side of the road at the shop in Changlun. The first impression, among of people whom include me. I feel a little bit wired, because it was the first time for me, were in that situation. 

Actually, had a Sheesha it does not mean you are a bad person in the society. Just having fun, discussion with friends about this and that, which are regarding to our life that a pretty nice moment in your life. (Social experiments)

Anyways, I was there, not because of I want to try that kind of thing, but I were doing discussion my project work with my lecture in the same time we were had dinner in that place. 

At least I have learn about social experience within that community. Learning, can be anywhere, it depend on you want to try or you just want to know what things which people like to be there.

In my opinion

What I have been learn from there were:

·         People having discussion about life happen during day, and relief stress, getting more friends with others.

·         Having fun by played game in a group and mocking to each other’s. 

·         Movie time, testing a food never know before. 

·         Notes, how they smoke Sheesha, and techniques related to manage fired, types of sheesha and so on. 


Get involve in the society and learning things surrounding you and it does not mean you have to reflect on it in any society brought to you. Think about it what thing you should learn, and what think you should practices and just know or see those things surrounding which are good just took as experience and what things bad just knew it but not practices on it, 

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Go kart UUM

Go kart UUM

·        Feeling in a race.
·        Express personalize feeling and challenging yourself
·        Make some stupidity yourself with more challenging of your life
·        Complete your life with valuable with things new for your life

The first feeling about tried within the game was Scare, but make myself feel challenging of a beautiful life by getting involve in society within different perspective and different comfort zone. The value of life with dissimilar situation and the difficulties of things never happened in my life.
Let my imagination fly away by growing the first stupidity. Some people are scare and afraid of things will happened to them.  As we always said “if we don't try, we will never know what will happened, and if we don’t make things happened, what made us memorizes with a new experience for our life.”

Notes: What will you give your life valuable?

Scare?                                   Or                           Excited?


Value your life, bring back to the community, start with a new things, make your life challenging with things surrounding in our life.  

    By, Zerkiny

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Claiming Mountain

December 25, 2017 - Gunung Baling, Malaysia

The first climbing mountains 

To start off, I could barely sleep early, because the journey was started at 12 pm at night.  When a time come, I was waiting my friends which same ways together. We met at DPP TNB, bus station at the Universiti Utara Malaysia. I was so excited with this trips for the first time! I've always ask myself to challenge about life and finally here! It about 12.15 pm we ready to start and a long ways to Gunung baling we stared introduce each other’s (Pakistan, Cambodia, Iraq, Thailand). 

Baling mountain
After we reach there, we couldn't find anyone yet since we follow the GPS after we round twice we found them, we start get change and bring something to the top of the mountain.

Start Claim Mountain

It about 4.30 am in the morning, we were started claiming mountain with the sky was dark a road without notices how difficulty or easy was. To me, I am okay about it, but a thing was I didn’t bring a torch light just use phone but unfortunately it was difficult to use while claiming a mountain. So decide follow others whom has torch. Some place was easy to slide down and high up and down without knowing exactly what will happen next. The first experience to claim a mountain feel want to give up (heart beat quit fast) but after continue along with them it was okay feel something motivate and push me above a line. 

At the top
Alhamdullah, finally I was reach there before sunrise. I was wonderful views and many people at the top of the mountain even kids also there.  After we reach there, we get a risk, took some pictures and also prepare for breakfast too. We were at the top about 2 hours cheat chat there.

At the top of the mountain, photos group

Start get down

Since, in the morning the road really difficult to claim if we saw at the night time. (I was shock). Since some people love took photos I came little by little on the half way still nobody want to get down yet I decide to get down alone, hahaha suddenly I got lost with my friend. Allahmdullah that we not continue at the road otherwise we don’t know where were we. Then we saw person then we follow them.

It took about 1.40 hour to get down. After I reach there, I got risk about 2 or 3 min then got clean up myself, and waited them to till they arrive to the ground then we continue our trip to UUM. On the ways we were so tired and get some slept. After we arrive UUM I got a bath and then get some slept

“Love people, love view, love nature”

End adventure

BBQ Iraq friend’s family

It about 6.00 pm once of my Iraq friend asked me to join BBQ at mini golf UUM. It about time to eat this time. Allahdullalah… Thank you for invited me. We were there about 2 hours, then back to room.

Last but not lest
The feeling of achievement, I did appreciated for the journey with friends and community were allow me to get a chance to see a nice escape from the top, It was a wonderful moment in my life with this outdoors.
Insha Allah, if I get a change claiming other mountain, I will allow myself with a new experience and new place. 

Saturday 16 July 2016

Netwotking jobs requirement

Networking jobs:
1.       Network engineer
2.       Sys admin
3.       Sys Engineer
4.       Network administrator
5.       IT support Technician

What does Networking jobs requirement?

Networking Admin
·         Valuating network performance issues including availability, utilization, throughput, goodput, and latency; planning and executing the selection, installation, configuration, and testing of equipment; defining network policies and procedures; establishing connections and firewalls.

                 Prepares users by designing and conducting training programs; providing references and support.
·                               Network Administrator Skills and Qualifications:
·                               Network Performance Tuning, LAN Knowledge, Network Design and Implementation, Problem Solving, Strategic Planning, Multi-tasking, Quality Focus, Coordination, Technical Understanding, Quick Study, Technical Zeal
·                              Network specifications by conferring with users; analyzing workflow, access, information, and security requirements; designing router administration, including interface configuration and routing protocols.

Web designer

what does IT jobs requirements?

HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Job Description
-Design new websites and improve the design of existing websites with unique, creative and on trend, up-to-date mind.
-Liaise with IT development team for any related items to site development.
-Create any graphic design related or product information in website, social media platforms or printing materials.
-Responsible for creating Digital marketing design materials(EDM, Online Banners)
-Responsible for maintenance and update of an existing website
-Responsible for high quality work in a timely manner.

Job Requirement
-Min Diploma in Information Technology, Multimedia or Computer Science
-Minimum 2 years working experience in web design and related fields
Proficient in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, understanding of CSS, HTML5 and JQuery
-Experience in UL/UX design and web programming is an added advantage
-Strong knowledge of current web standards, technologies, and trends.
-Well-organized and attentive to details

  • Responsible for system design, analyze and optimize work flow (BPM), and develop web application and/or script to optimize work process.
  • Getting requirement from internal team to explore alternatives and recommend solutions to meet the requirements or fix the issues.
  • Develop Web application with ASP.Net, Java Script, JQuery, with API interface and integration.
  • Perform or direct revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements.
  • Responsible for system maintenance.
  • Work collaboratively with internal team on web store related projects.
  • Work with internal teams to manage project timelines and delivery schedules.

  • Degree (minimum) in Computer Science/IT/Programming or equivalent.
  • Have at least 2 years programming experience in .NET web-based applications.
  • Proficient in ASP.Net, and API integration using Javacript, JQuery, etc.
  • Experience in coding in library, framework, or component.
  • Experience in Server configuration, database optimization, information security, MySQL, MsSQL.
  • Experience in graphic web interface design, layout design, HTML coding, CSS, AJAX, JQuery.
  • Experience with XML, XHTML & CSS & full understanding of web standards.
  • An proactive and effective team player under pressure
  • Fluency in English a must (spoken & written).
  • Ability to self-educate and work autonomously with minimal supervision.
  • A fast worker, committed to meeting targets and deadlines.
  • Ability to continuously learn new tools & technology.
  • Able to work in a team environment.
Application please submit to

Sharing account with your couple

Sharing account with your couple

Give joint finance Account: give an idea of joint finance account by inputting sum of your money 
into an account together. This account can used to pay for dates or save towards the wedding.

If you do so, it like you are wearing your relationship with your couple while we animosity with something.

Try to get clear decision spending habits:  every couple are break up because of too many problems in married life. If you can sharing your thought about money and spending will help them understand you better.

Take time together, anniversary, weaken, monthly, a year. Tell your partner, happy what we get, spent to make us happiness

Give joint purchases: the couple often by house or care together as the joint income allow them to afford bigger and better items. 

Take turn packing up the bill: when you are staying with your parents during getting married, you have to think all everything not as you are the single. Every time for paying bill you should be equal or take tune for this time or those time.   

Saving account for your children

How to get started with saving for your child’s education

The cost of raising a child is high indeed when they are grow up. As the parent must support every things for their children. Saving up for them is not be feasible as many of these bills are hard to predict in children’s life in term of education, medical, upkeep, basic needs.

From the day they born to the age of their married as a parents need to pay huge bill. Especially, university bill. Whilst you cannot know for sure the price of tuition fees exactly in the future.

Note: so parent could be prepared as much as possible for your children.

So, as you as a parents what will you do for savings Account?

Unique coin boxes and cash reward for excellent exam results are a part of saving account.

Fix deposits (everyday how much do you keep for them set timetable when do you use it for them). For annual interest rates can put as charity.

Ask them to get money around the house try to find a job can help support yourself.
For example:  plant vegetables, design, and home school vector.

Prepare early spending budget while you know, your salary in every month. You should take note how much do you pay for? What kind of things do you pay for?  

Note: whatever you do, don’t forget charity/ donate to poor people
Donate it does not mean you have to have lots of money. You can do charity as you can by smiling, helping, showing a good behavior.

If you see them hard you will know how they harder then you does. 

Friday 15 July 2016


How to gain weight
What are calories?

 Is a unit that measures energy, it usually used to measure the energy content of foods and beverages.

                Don’t drink water before meals: it harder to get in enough calories.
                Eat more often. Additional meal whenever you can.
                Drink milk:
                Add cream to your drink
                Get sleep
                Eat protein first and vegetables last.

If you are not growing, the solution is get more calories. For example if you eat a chicken from now double up.

Toasting a slice of bread for breakfast become multiple. Then eat twice as much as you normally.

Focus on food time

Eat 2 or 3 hours would be your best bet of you really struggle to get those calories in. if you add up with peanuts, peanut butter , red meat, dried fruit, those thing will see the result faster.

Food burn body fat faster
Eat For energy

Friday 13 November 2015


GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on projects. You don’t have to worry about losing data on your hard drive or managing a project across multiple computers — sync from anywhere. Most importantly, GitHub is a collaborative and asynchronous workflow for building software better, together.
This guide walks you through the GitHub Essentials: RepositoriesBranches,CommitsIssues and Pull Requests.
With these skills, you’ll go far. And with this hello-world repository you’ll have a place to store ideas (aka future repositories, like jlord/hello-world), resources or other general notes, even discuss things with others (like holman/feedback).

for more information:


Sunday 25 October 2015

Do you afraid of attending examination?

How nervousness becomes anxiety?

Anxiety come from students. The person is sitting an exam are the students. Usually, students are worry too much even, they are studying. Most of the students ask, why is it happen? Because we sometime, think about this is a first time for doing this subject? Or they are not confident on their capacity. Moreover, difficult understanding vocabularies is one of the problem. If the students fail an exam several times, how do they feel? They will think that, this regular for him to attend in that course.

Preparation: preparation is also importance if they are not focus on those subjects. Worry make students difficult to structure to read the material. It also very common that push yourself too hard and study too each day.

Problem during examination:  connection to itself, sometime will make students stress, panic. So when they got stress they can’t remember the material or despite the face which they have prepared well for the examination. The memory will fail to catch up or sat down during in exam.

Severe personal problem: if you for a period up until the examination have had several personal problems. 

How does arousal work?

There are many ways to which you can evaluated but you can looking at your divide sexual arousal into 4 phases:
  •           Self-awareness is prerequisite for self-control. What is going on your head?

  •      Slow down, cool down practices on it.

  •          Keep your eyes above the shoulders and train them to focus on non-sexual part of the body.