Introduction to Computer Literacy
this trimester in FSP is going to change the schedule from semester to
trimester. So it provides us more able to study weeks. Started from the first
week the lecture was not to strength for touching. We started to get to know to
each other’s, Ms Nisha was let us to introduces yourself to others friends to
make more relationship with new and old students. After next days she was not
go through to tough, but she want us make group did the activities in class.
What she wants to test us were how many percentages of students understanding
in this course. (Information literacy)
Before Ms tough on the topic she gave topic to
students that related on literacy. And than we discuss in group and explain to
students what we understood. Started from that time Ms was explained to
students and carry mark.
In this course, students should learn and understand about the topics. There are five topic that importance in the course such as
4. USE
LOT 2: Big 6
For the topic, that I have learnt the basic of information literacy and the important points which were about the big six. In academic performances, information literacy is the course that helps students to understand how to search and extract information in correctly. Moreover, the course guides students to the formal way for preparing their work or assignment in properly, effectively. This is the way that I appreciate to learn and do want to know.
Firstly, this week is big six which has six stage processes and helps us to solve problems and make decision by focusing on information. The six stages of big six are task definition, information seeking, location or access, information users, synthesis and evaluation. For task information, we have to use some question words that help us to find information such as who, what, where, when and how. We also define problems and define information requirement. For the next process, information seeking is the varieties of searching and selecting information from different sources that including printed (books, newspaper, dictionary…), Online (Google, E-book, Wikipedia…) and others information sources such as peers, radio, TV and so on. Location and access is focus on located sources. It is method that you can find the correct location of information and select the sources that are understandable and appropriate for using. The next process is information use. You need to ask you-self whether the information that you want to seek can be used, is useful or formal. The synthesis is how you organize your information and present it. We should understand how to organize properly and understandably. The last, evaluation is the way that we judge processes, sources to get accuracy and efficiency for our sources. We have to value our process to make sure that we followed the processes correctly and acceptably.
In this week, I realized that, I understood what the definition, from work of in Information literacy and the process of research. So I need to apply these and make skill using it in my studies to become more effectively.
LOT 3: APA style
For this week’s session, I have recognized that I knew the basis of APA styles that I really need for my report, project or assignment paper. I knew the formal academic study that uses formal ways to write, extract, quote, refer for high level of education.
The academic studies and academic performances extremely need formal style to do academic work such as assignment, research paper, report, book review and other works. I knew how to do quotation, in-text citation and signal phrases, references and bibliography, paraphrases, summarize.
Quotation is the words for authors, any person or any sources that we quote to support our ideas. For in-text citation and signal phrase are similar to the quotation.
For in-text citation, it uses at the end or paraphrase sentence or an idea that we extract from a source. For example, “……. Information technology” (Paul, 2010, P.15). For the signal phrase, it uses to introduce authors or someone’s works and ideas and tells the name and year at the beginning and page at the end. Example, In 1985, Paul reported that . . . (p. 109).
For the referent list or bibliography is used at the end of the paper to show the original sources that we extracted and got from. It tells the order of the sources and the rue is:
Author’s man or organization, editor(s)(if it has), year of publication, book’s title: subtitle (if the book has), public place: publisher. For instance, Kenneth P.R. & Singh R.S, (2011), Social work and social development, New York: Macro Company. It should be noted that for the referent list or bibliography, we have four roles for Author, two roles for book’s or source’s title and three roles for documentation. It also has different of referent list such as from online, magazines, newspaper, e-books, journal, and books with volumes and even anonymous sources.
Why is organization of information really important? It helps us easy to understand well and know how to arrange the information in orderly and correctly that ease to find any information we want.
There are 4 types of strategies to organize information in properly:
1 Category content: is the strategy that we break the principle ideas into specific components to be easy to understand before we synthesize all the ideas.
2 Chronological organization: orderly organize of information or ideas. We prepare and order in chronological ideas or information to be easy to follow through the steps.
For example, AiU students study Malaysia history in chronological events from 1970, 1980 and 1990.
3 Hierarchical Organization: is classification or creating order that start from a simple process to complex process. It is the strategy that we start to understand from the simple ideas then we go deeper to the complex ideas.
4 Alphabetical Organization: is an organization which is followed to letters of alphabets. For example the name list of AiU students follows to alphabetical arrangement from A to Z. It helps the lecturers easy to find students’ name.
The important point is plagiarism which is the most concerned in academic studies. There are a lot of students have been doing plagiarism. It is the unqualified works that students copy, change, or follow the same style from the real sources. There are many types of plagiarism such
Summarizing and paraphrase are the best ways to avoid the plagiarism. So, we have to understand clearly about the summarizing and paraphrase that can stop the plagiarism.
LOT 4: Synthesis
There are a lot of meanings of synthesis that are given person; however, the cure meaning is straight to the same point. According to Oxford Dictionary, (4thed), (2006) “synthesis is the act of combining separated ideas or a mixture or combination of ideas, belief, styles etc.” (p.725). Synthesis is a strategy that combines pieces of ideas or sources together to make a new understand and meaning. In the same meaning, we can compare to a jigsaw if we want to get a full picture correctly and beautifully, we have to put all the small pieces of the pictures together to find out the real picture of the jigsaw. Coming to the academic works, students have to know how to synthesize because in all the subjects there are a lot of separated points. That is why; they have to synthesize the separated points together to form a new understanding and meaning. The synthesis also helps us to understand well on our topic or work. It is important to use with children to help their understanding and comprehension. Synthesis also includes with summarizing. Summarizing is a shot work that extracts and combines the main points, but synthesis is a whole and throughout all main points, ideas, and process sources.
To me, synthesis is essential because it enhances my understanding and comprehension more effective and efficiency. I think that it is the crucial method that should be applied and use anytime in need. It will be better for the young people if we start teach them how use synthesis since they were young because will be able to understand well and specific when they become high level student.
LOT 5: Search Tool
This week, the topic was talking about search tool. We can find use search tool find from the internet and how to search any sources from the Internet? There are two different of searching tools such as Boolean, transaction and wildcard. The first I want to talk in briefly about the Boolean.
Boolean search is a search that can be added or subtracted on the research we want. There are three types of Boolean such as Boolean ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’. Boolean ‘and’ means to enlarge the information that we want to find broader. Boolean ‘or’ means either team of the search are accepted. For Boolean ‘not’, it means to take out the information that not include.
The last two ways of research are truncation and wildcard. They are a searching strategy that use symbols such as asterisk (*), question mark (?), pound sign (#), quotation mark (“”) and so on.
The truncation and wildcard are not much different from each other. Truncation search uses the symbols at the end of term searching-words, for example child* will return to children, childhood, childish. For wild card search is the search that uses the symbols at the middle of term searching-words, m?n will return to man, men, moon….
Rice Field |
LOT 6: Information Resources
For this week’s lesson, the lecturer focuses on the types of sources. We have to understand the types of sources that are really help us to understand and ease us to determine the types of the sources. While we understand the types of sources, we are easy to find out the original of sources that can lead us to the real documents.
There are three main types of document or source such as primary sources, secondary sources and tertiary sources.
Primary sources or first-hand document is the original sources that start at the beginning of the sources. We also have the categories of the primary sources that we can determine as the first hand document such as: Autobiography, History documents, Sound recording, Speech, Photographs, Videos, letters, Manuscript, Diary interview, Statistic data.
The second document which is called the second sources is written after the primary sources or is the second hand document after the facts. There are a lot of kinds of second sources such as bibliography, Wikipedia, Internet, Journals, articles, reports and so on. We can determine the primary and secondary by looking on the document with author, the place of the document, the date of policing that can show us clearly whether a source is primary or secondary source. Magazine articles or newspaper can be primary or secondary source up to the sources. The last kind of source is tertiary which is combined between primary and secondary, for instance directories of directory.
A tertiary source is collect of primary and secondary sources and includes types of references. For example, Bibliographies of bibliography, Directories of directories and guides to the literature.
Another point that I have learned this week is reference sources. A reference source refers to the sources of information which established for you to find the answer and inquiries that are include journals, abstracts and so on so for. There are two types of reference source are general and specific. We find the reference source in many such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases and maps, journal and so on. The reference sources is very important because it will provides us in a good introduction on the topic, factual information and identify additional relevant to any sources.
Beside that we also did the exercises form our lecture was giving us to make sure that students can understand well on this topic.