Islam Knowledge


Nikah - Marriage

1.       nikah is great bountry from Allah Ta'ala. There are many benefits in marriage. Save a person from sinning and heart put at ease. He does not wander and stray.

2.       A marriage can be executed by two words.
·         A person following in the presence of witness.
·         A person addresses replies.
·         Doing so, the nikah is valid and both of them can live together.

The Wali

Mean: the person who has the power of getting a boy and girl married.

The first wali of a boy or girl is their father. If the father is not present, the grand-father becomes their wali. If he is not present, then the great grand-father. If none of them are present, the blood-brother becomes their wali. If he is not present, then the step-brother, i.e. brothers from one father. Thereafter, the nephew, thereafter the nephew's son; and thereafter, the nephew's grand-son. If none of them are present, the blood uncle becomes their wali. If he is not present, then the step-uncle, i.e. the step-brother of their father. Thereafter, the son of the blood uncle and thereafter his grand-son. Thereafter, the son of the step-uncle and thereafter his grand-son. If none of them are present, the father's uncle becomes their wali; and thereafter his children. If the father's uncle, his children and grand-children are not present; then the grand-father's uncle becomes their wali. Thereafter, his children, grand-children, and great grand-children.

If none of them are present, the mother will be their wali. Thereafter, the paternal grand-mother, then the maternal grand-mother and then the maternal grand-father. Thereafter, the blood-sister and then the step-sister, i.e. sisters from one father. Thereafter, the step-brother and then the step-sister who is from one mother. Thereafter, the paternal aunt, then the maternal uncle, and then the maternal aunt.

She can have a choice to choose. No one who can force her. So whatever, wali have to ask her before getting married.

How to get a girl
  1.    Don't talk about the topic initially.
  2.    Be a friend first
  3.    Win her hard you can get her easy.

First, like one of her statuses or photos if it's appropriate. Then, you can start commenting on her photos or statuses. Make sure she communicates back to you and likes your comments and that you're not having a one-sided conversation.
Find the right time to start a longer conversation chain through comments. If she keeps writing back to you, then she must like talking to you.
As your relationship grows, you can post a link on her wall to something you think she'd like. Only do this once and wait for her to reciprocate before you do it again.
Don't mention that you know what her interests are from stalking her page. Just try to mention something that you've realized you have in common and wait for her to respond. For example, if you know she likes the Lakers, post about them and wait for her to like your status.

End her a message. Once you think she's feeling you and you've developed your posting and commenting relationship, you can take it to the next level by sending her a message. Just send her a few lines about something that reminded you of her, or direct her to a link you think she'd like. You can be a little flirtatious, but don't overwhelm the girl

Wait for her to respond. If she asks you questions, then she wants to keep the messaging thing going.
Message her back. Once you do this a few times, then you can take this as a sign that she wants to take it to the next stage.

Facebook chat with her. Once you've been messaging back and forth with the girl for a while, then you can start Facebook chatting with her to have a more normal conversation. Just remember that not everybody likes to Facebook chat or even uses it -- she could be logged on to Facebook on her phone or at work, and not even realize that you're chatting her until later because she uses it so infrequently. But if she's into chatting, this is a great way to build your relationship.
  • Flirt it up. Now's the time to kick it up a notch. If she seems into you, you can say, "Hey, cutie," or "You looked great in that pic you just posted." Don't be too forward, but let her know you're into her.
  • Talk about your common interests, or the things you know she likes. Remember all those things you learned about her from her profile? They'll come in handy here.
  • Get her number (optional). You can message her and say that you like talking to her and would like to talk to her over the phone. This may freak her out and make her feel like you're coming on to strong, or it could be the perfect way for her to get to know you better before agreeing to go out with you in person. Feel her out to see what you think would be best.
Ask her to meet up. Unless you're just flirting with the girl on Facebook for the fun of it, you probably want to meet up with her in person at some point. So, once you have a good messaging and chat relationship, just say something like, "I really like talking to you over Facebook, so I have a feeling I'd like talking to you even more in person. Do you want to meet some time?"
Keep it casual. Don't ask her out to a candle-lit restaurant. Ask her out for coffee or a drink. If she doesn't know you at all outside of Facebook and you don't have many mutual friends, she may be wary of this, so keep it in a public place and as chill as possible.
You can give her your number and wait for her to give you hers.
Have fun. If she agrees to meet in person, then enjoy building a relationship outside of Facebook. Moreover, if she rejects you, it's no big deal. The beauty of Facebook is that you can pick up multiple girls at once.

Wow, I love coffee too!
Wow, that a nice place!
Your name is beautiful name. What does it mean?
I heard the news that.... (You will back this weekend)

You look lovely in your dress
Not really a coffee lover but i am starting to like it
It okay, I’d like to meet you and hand out in person

If she is silence will not to be considered to be a form of consent. Or granting permission. The same rule apply to mature boy.