Saturday, 16 July 2016

Sharing account with your couple

Sharing account with your couple

Give joint finance Account: give an idea of joint finance account by inputting sum of your money 
into an account together. This account can used to pay for dates or save towards the wedding.

If you do so, it like you are wearing your relationship with your couple while we animosity with something.

Try to get clear decision spending habits:  every couple are break up because of too many problems in married life. If you can sharing your thought about money and spending will help them understand you better.

Take time together, anniversary, weaken, monthly, a year. Tell your partner, happy what we get, spent to make us happiness

Give joint purchases: the couple often by house or care together as the joint income allow them to afford bigger and better items. 

Take turn packing up the bill: when you are staying with your parents during getting married, you have to think all everything not as you are the single. Every time for paying bill you should be equal or take tune for this time or those time.