Swimming Pool
It is wonderful experience with my supervisor at the swimming pool in UUM. The Funny moment, with you was realize me an excited. (something blowing my mind said that "He is awesome, He can be my lecturer, Supervisor, Abang, and coach").
I am glade what he share, teach and advice me most of the time. Every time, I meet him, always bring something new for me. I love the ways he give and share with me and others.
At pool
At the moment,I remember of what he said to me "You know how to float not to swim". (hahaha) I was laughing but I relied of what he said was true.
He teach me a basic step, how to swim. I do concentrate of what he said and practice of what he advice me.
learning need sometime to reflect and to practice which is the best way for us to achieve goal in our life.
forget, stress, sad is a part of our achieve, without them seem to be your experience.